Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ever remember that moment in life where you realize "Yeap, he's/she's the one..." :)

or just that moment when you realize that you're in love.

I don't really remember when I actually fell in love with Tommy

It feels more like I had a really big big crush on him and somehow trapped him into liking me and dating me when I was fucking THIRTEEN and he was eighteen.

God dammit, if I ever have kids I won't let them be as messed up as me. >_<

I was 17 when I met harmonica guy who was 22/23....

I insta fell in lust with him with his hat, boots and music

He was my John Lennon. Lol


I was living the Beatle fantasy so hard

He is actually more comparable to a much better looking Ringo.

And then I met Andrew when I was 18 and he was 26

He's so old!

Why did I keep dating older and older guys? >_<

The moment I fell for Andrew was on our first date and he mentioned some pickup line with chemistry after we made out

I especially liked it because Adeline had talked about it earlier with me

I really love Andrew...

We belong together

And if we ever break up

It probably won't be because one of us broke the other's heart...

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