Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ever remember that moment in life where you realize "Yeap, he's/she's the one..." :)

or just that moment when you realize that you're in love.

I don't really remember when I actually fell in love with Tommy

It feels more like I had a really big big crush on him and somehow trapped him into liking me and dating me when I was fucking THIRTEEN and he was eighteen.

God dammit, if I ever have kids I won't let them be as messed up as me. >_<

I was 17 when I met harmonica guy who was 22/23....

I insta fell in lust with him with his hat, boots and music

He was my John Lennon. Lol


I was living the Beatle fantasy so hard

He is actually more comparable to a much better looking Ringo.

And then I met Andrew when I was 18 and he was 26

He's so old!

Why did I keep dating older and older guys? >_<

The moment I fell for Andrew was on our first date and he mentioned some pickup line with chemistry after we made out

I especially liked it because Adeline had talked about it earlier with me

I really love Andrew...

We belong together

And if we ever break up

It probably won't be because one of us broke the other's heart...

When I was dating my ex he was allowed to sleep over and take care of me whenever I was sick

I remember he bought me flowers and make me cream of chicken with toast

He'd bye me flowers every month or so because I told him I was jealous of this one girl in history class who got roses sent to her every month from her boyfriend... I still have some stupid rotted flowers for when I first had a bad flu while dating him

Then he'd play call of duty while sitting in bed next to me making sure I took my medicine and that I had water

It was nice to be able to lay in his lap and rest.

He really loved me....

Now I wish I could just have Andrew come over

life's not fair and I haven't done much to change it

I would like to sleep with my boyfriend again.

Why was life so much sweeter when I was in high school

Because I dated a rich Asian guy?

that's so stupid....

I think I'm going to dream about my past now

The part that's between Tommy and I breaking up and when Andrew and I started dating

That period in the middle was pretty much blissful

Macaroni with hot sauce
Pineapple chicken with red sauce
Egg salad with rolls.....

Lying down in the grass waiting

The summer heat.


So wonderful

sometimes I text Andrew and then I immediately receive a text
I always hope it's him replying or texting me
But it's usually a friend I ignore...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sometimes the things my boyfriend says makes me think

"Are you fucking serious?..."

Also, yay!

Over 17,000 views on this blog. :)

Ugh, my ex's mom keeps hitting on my dad

I fucking hate that woman

She ruined my first relationship

My dad hates Tommy for breaking my heart

And he hates his mom

And there is zero points of trying to gain my family's blessings

Monday, December 24, 2012

I just want Andrew to make me feel better...

But he sucks

Even if I still like him

I'm just angry

Probably because I'm in so much fucking pain

My body aches....


This Christmas Eve I get to lie down in bed alone as I experience this awful, awful headache...

I hate life so much right now.

Everyone sucks

Except for Sangni because he was nice to me today

But everyone else totally sucks right now

My head hurts a lot

I complain


I think I want to do stuff

Like cuddle with my baby boy.....


Andrew Wilson completes me

Maybe I should be myself

Dear diary.

I miss my boyfriend and I want to feel loved..

It has been four days since I've seen him and that makes me sad

I still need to wait 2.5 more days

Life sucks : (

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Logged on to see $38 available and then suddenly sad because I realized that I still owe sangni $70 :(

Thursday, December 20, 2012

When I'm famous people are probably going to think things

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

To do list: DRINK A FUCK TON OF WATER!!!!!!!


I hope Andrew doesn't shave his mustache off tomorrow....... because I really like it. <3

Thursday, December 13, 2012




Andrew better be the right guy.
I chose him!

I could wait but....


He seems nice.


I mean

There's always the future

And being a travel companion.


I'm pretty sure I love Andrew

And I'd like to think that he loves me.

Monday, December 10, 2012

I get mad at people who get mad at me

How the hell am I going to live with Andrew when he has five cats....

Also, should I buy a house or a car?

Also, when should I leave Orlando/The US?....

I fucking hate it here. I'm so tired of it now. :(

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Have you ever been in love and gave it all up?

My life is stupid.
I hate boys.

I hate 'em

I hate 'em

I hate 'em.............


they're disgusting.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

I think black guys are cute because they have nice, deep voices and really white smiles.

also the abs and biceps are pretty cool.

That is all. Random thought.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Random uturn gave me a flashback of when I'd need to drive the Corvette home and Tommy would drive back with me and give me a ride back

Sometimes he'd drive all the way back to my house and my dad would say I can't go out tonight...

That would suck

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I'm touching myself all over right now....

I have such soft skin

It's nice when my skin is able to get a chance to be smooth.

Usually I get allergic reactions or am itchy because of ridiculous stuff

And that makes me scratch myself

And have disgustingly dry skin....

I hate allergies.

But I feel so freaking soft now

Yay : )

I should probably start giving my attention to other people besides Andrew...

I need to actually talk to Bruce, Nick, Nathalie, Rebecca, Ali and everyone else in the world again.

There's only one thing though.

I don't think Nhi Wilson sounds right...


I should sleep.

Usually I'm afraid of actually committing myself to someone

I really didn't expect to be in a serious relationship

I know we've only been dating for a year

But I can imagine myself marrying Andrew.....

He would treat me right.

I'm not completely overly attached girlfriend

I'm just saying that I can see myself doing something like that.

Maybe I'm just feeling extra in love though

Whatever, I'm 19

give me a break!

Aw, that's sad

One of my favorite turn ons was whispering and kissing my ear

but ever since Andrew mentioned that my left one smells bad I am reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy self-conscious about it.


I loved that so much when I was younger.

What is wrong with me?!
There are some moments when I feel madly in love with Andrew

it's so nice to have him

I love that comforting feeling when we are lying down together

Or when he hugs me

Or gently kisses me.

I also really like his mustache

I don't know why, but it makes me smile


I like is so much!



My boyfriend is the greatest

What did I do to deserve him?

He makes me feel good

I feel good

He feels good

good good good good good



Last night we got to hang out

and I really missed him

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Girls can get sex so easily...

I bet I could text any guy in my phone or message someone on Facebook and they would come over to fuck me.

They probably wouldn't even ask about it.


Ew. >_<

Have you ever been lonely?
Would you ever take a chance with me?
I know I'm far but we're alone
And that's something I don't condone

Would you look into my eyes
Or would you rather see all the lies
I know I'm bad but I'm good too
I really just wanna be with you

Did you go out and meet someone
When you've already got my heart won
Can you remember to give me a call
Maybe you're independent now, 6 foot tall

Remember when we held hands
Or when we had everything planned
Happy even though I was just a friend
I didn't realize that could end

Now that you've gone and moved away
Would you want to meet half way
I should have said something before
About how much I wanted to be yours

Have you ever been lonely?
Would you ever take a chance with me?
I know I'm far but we're alone
And that's something I don't condone

Would you look into my eyes
Or would you rather see all the lies
I know I'm bad but I'm good too
I really just wanna be with you

It's cold outside and I'm wearing your sweater
And I miss how much your arms felt better
We never even had a chance to kiss
An opportunity that I regrettably miss

I wish you could see that I'm madly in love
A feeling that's impossible to get rid of
And of course you're my lovely cure
the only fact I know for sure

Have you ever been lonely?
Would you ever take a chance with me?
I know I'm far but we're alone
And that's something I don't condone

Would you look into my eyes
Or would you rather see all the lies
I know I'm bad but I'm good too
I really just wanna be with you

Have you ever been alone
Or do you know what it's like to be on your own
Because I have and it's not so great
To think back fondly staying up late
Remember those pet names once so endeared
My heart that was cared for has been seared

What an awful start of a poem

I hear one is more creative when tired

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
False emotions in the air
But still lonely
Oh so lonely
You hug yourself just to feel warm
But someone was waiting
No freedom to leave or to love
Hold onto yourself tonight
Let yourself go and you'll be lost
Too much to fear, a pounding headache Don't worry, he'll come soon
Just keep holding onto yourself

I can imagine how adorable my boyfriend was earlier when he first woke up

and not so much right now