Monday, June 11, 2012

Sometimes I don't feel loved

Lately I've felt lonely

I don't understand

If I were out on my own, what would I do?


Nothing's going to stop me from being lonely

I try to escape so often

It feels good to be with people who like you

At home I don't like being around my family

I've tried using them as a way to not feel like such a recluse

Usually though I end up angry and annoyed

So I stopped that bit of being in the same room as them for long

My family says that I'm like a homeless girl without friends

In a way that's kind of true.

Sure, I have some friends

but I'm not sure how long they'll last

For instance, I don't understand how Nick and Bruce can stand me after all of this time

Poor Bruce

I'm so mean to him!

He's been my friend for maybe three years now

I used to make him do my homework that was busy work

Nothing important, if I wanted an A I would do the assignment myself.


I'm just on my laptop now.

I'm 18 and still haven't snuck out of this house or let a boy in through my window

oh well.

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