Hello world. I guess I'm starting a blog today; however, it will be more of a public diary to record events of each day rather than anything short and entertaining to read. Just a warning, you'll be reading raw thoughts and nothing more. Yes, that means no editing. You see, I believe my memory is a bit more vivid than most and I want to hold onto all of the good ones as much and long as I can. Maybe it's because I'm afraid to let go... Anyway, recording and rereading these days would really help me in mentally picture those small details I do not wish to forget. (Warning: It may be difficult to read, but this is my thought process. Also, this is the first entry and I will record several days making this quite wordy.) Lastly, if you do read everything I write then you'll definitely learn a lot about me and how I think which me make you either be very annoyed by me or like me more. I believe 90% of this will be meaningless memories I wish to cherish and the other 10% is for when I decide to go on a thinking spree and try to place things in life logically step by step (although I shouldn't sometimes).
I will begin by writing down what happened on Saturday February 12, 2011. As punishment for something I did a while back, my mother decided to put me back into my Vietnamese church's youth group (possibly hoping that I would revert to my thirteen year old self). When I arrived at church with my sister (if one of us is punished or rewarded so is the other) I felt completely out of place. It appeared that every girl there had a scene haircut with dyed reddish brown hair. (Also, all of these kids were younger than me which is odd because I'm usually the youngest in every group I hang out with.) Continuing on, my sister and I walked over to some kids standing around when a group of girls who idealize her (Chandler is pretty and popular) came over to profusely compliment us, touch our hair (mine a light orange-brown and Chandler's a purple-red) and compare us to Korean and Japanese girls. I walked away from the group not really wanting to socialize because I didn't want to be there in the first place. Most of the time I'm a loner anyways. The youth group leaders then gathered around and separated everyone into their sections. Since my sister, who is sixteen, and I, seventeen, rejoined and haven't been there in several years, we were placed in the Yellow group (Nghia Si) intended for kids aged thirteen through fifteen rather than the brown group for those sixteen through eighteen. My sister and I were then split up when Nghia Si divided into two groups activities. Fortunately, my leader (Daniel) was fun and we played snake tag, animal calls and synchronized singing whilst my sister's group consisted of boring girls who were too cool to participate in such childish games. I felt bad for Chandler. In the end, joining the youth group again did not feel like punishment whatsoever and I had fun with the kids. However, I'm not quite sure that God and religion will ever enter fervently into my life again like when I was thirteen and completely sheltered away from the world. Right now I'm just a bit confused and feel like anyone can cop out on the actual work of pursuing of happiness and instead depend on their belief of God and an everlasting happiness when they go to heaven.
Next day, Sunday February 13, 2011: I do not recollect any significant events except for perhaps the lovely Valentine's dinner of one of my favorite meals (fettuccine Alfredo with mushrooms, broccoli and chicken, garlic bread, and wine or champagne). Also, waffles made with condensed milk is insanely delicious with ice cream, syrup and magic shell chocolate on top!!!! I also had an amazing nap. <3 (I love the feeling of sleep although I believe it is such a waste of time and wish I do not need it.)
**I just remembered. I received an INTERESTING text that night which completely confused me/freaked me out/threw me off-guard and would decide my Tuesday that week.
Monday February 14, 2011 (also known as Valentine's Day) I went to class as usual. Nothing major occurred in English Lit, but there is something I would like to remember in Spanish. When I was in middle school I read a tip from a girl magazine saying that if I find a cute guy in each class then the school day will be less boring. From then on it's developed into a habit. Anyway, in Spanish there are two cute guys: one who dresses all in black who I'm very interested in getting to know and the other is more of a hippy where my eyes can easily rest upon. I swear the guy in black stole my pen... I thought he did so he could offer me his pencil to keep, although I returned it. He was awfully friendly I always tell myself to say hi since school started. More than a month later and I still don't know his name. Great smile he has, just one of my many weaknesses. Do I regret not introducing myself yet? Only if I never do, but for now I'm fine. Haha. **Remember that he said “Cool”, handed me the bag of snickers multiple times :D and shook his head in agreement with me while smiling for when I said “Ow” as the professor turned on the lights.*sigh* Why am I transfixed so easily by a simple grin?
Tuesday February 15, 2011. That morning I fully intended to write my English lit essay. In my mind I had a list of items I wanted to bring: guitar to practice, chess board, book receipt, laptop, and two roses. Oh, how upset I was for forgetting to bring those two roses! One would be for Will to thank him for helping me so much with everything Linux and one rose would be for just in case... Oh well. I didn't need them after all anyway. That day I drove to Austin's Coffee with Ali and stayed there from 12-5 not being productive at all. However, Ali and I had a very interesting walk, helped bring back sooooo many memories. We also saw a bald eagle by the Winter Park library. (I didn't even know they were any in Florida. Are there???) As I was too tired, lazy and hot to walk back to Austin's, I texted Will to pick Ali and I up. I spent $14 on food at Austin's that day. Later on we all drove back to UCF and Will added Windows to my laptop for me. I really, really wanted to just use Ubuntu for everything... but I do miss playing computer games like Star Craft and Age of Empires. I tried WINE but it turns out I need a driver to get my graphics card and processor working fast enough for the games. I have a newer laptop so it isn't out yet.... rawr. Oh well. Dual-booting is better than no Linux at all. Another thing that upset me: In C programming the professor was giving out free smoothies for the first students to answer 10 questions of filling in code and solving math problems correctly. Unfortunately, although I knew all of the answers, every time I was picked I would get so nervous and not say the right thing. Argh.
Today! Finally. Wednesday February 16, 2011. Nothing at all interesting happened! Jk. There are some events I would like to record and remember. First off is the guy in all black again! I sat next to him today. Ha, that's a first step. Also, I found my black pen which I thought he took.... It's so crazy!!!!!! Because I LOVE that pen (it writes oh so perfectly smoothly) I poured the contents of the small front pocket where I keep all writing utensils out to search for it. I literally put each pen, pencil and marker back into that pocket one by one twice while looking for that pen. Since I was using it in the beginning of Spanish class Monday I thought it would maybe be on the floor, but nope. I know for sure I did not have that pen on Monday and I could not find it, but here it was!!!! At the top of the pocket too so when I unzipped it I saw it right away. I swear I must be going crazy then... or that was some serious magic trick. Other than that nothing else spectacular happened that I wanted to remember. Some boring events include Will adding grub to my laptop again and me meeting a guy named Dave or David wearing the XKCD shirt that said “Sudo make me a sandwich”. Ahahahah. I love XKCD. Anyway, he's one of those programmers who's kind of an asshole because he knows more about computers than you do... but he thought it was cool I had Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat like him. Ha. I guess I should be working on my essay now.
**I was going to begin a logical battle here relating to my aunts' relentless bullying, but that would create such a horrible and pessimistic mood to follow such great, cheerful events. Maybe next time. I mean, it's not like a day goes by without some sort of taunt being thrown at me. (But it's really okie because I'm used to it; I just like to think because I can be arrogant sometimes if you understand...)
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