Tuesday, May 28, 2024


I'm so lonely. My heart hurts. I don't want to be a burden. I don't want to be alive. I don't want to think.

I'm so lonely. I want to disappear.

I spend so much of my time thinking about myself, praying for anyone at all to think of me.

Think of me. Help me. Do something. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

History.... no, no, no, no. History, no. Please.

1,000 lives

Monday, April 22, 2024

Why do I look at humanity so kindly?
While I do not care about the individual, I still defend the masses. 
The human experience encapsulates so much.
Those who are lucky will learn and feel the best parts more often.
And those who aren't will suffer from the annoyance built over misunderstanding. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

I've never had a relationship this good.
How lucky am I?

Friday, March 15, 2024

I am so madly in love with this human being.

Every night we are together I have the privilege of looking forward to when the whole world gently calms. When darkness loosely covers our room and nothing from the house can be heard, inner peace swiftly presents itself. Finally, you are with me. You see me, my smile, my eyes, my lips, my tits. You see all of me.

I cherish each sweet moment I can. I desperately want to savor every little detail that goes right and with you the mountain of memories made have propped you on a pedestal so tall that even a hushed whisper of your name towers over any doubt of your perfection. 

I love when I touch your face and you lean in for a kiss. I love how you can tell that I want to be kissed. I always want to be kissed. I love that I can kiss you now as you sleep next to me. 

I love that just looking up towards your sleeping face I felt the overwhelming motivation to write down my thoughts and express myself. 

I love who I am when I am with you. 

Friday, February 23, 2024

Thursday, February 22, 2024

I'm hungry
I miss the way you'd fill my bowl
Infinite grains of wisdom
I miss the way you notched the knoll
You taught me how to live some
Do something, move up, go and make your mark
Since I am unhappy, I must not be that smart

Monday, February 19, 2024

Water runs though I am not cleaner
Sweat trickles through, my thoughts grow meaner
Darkness engulfs the room, I cannot see
Instead I feel, sense, and breathe
Increasing awareness, what surrounds me
Warm water
Cold air
Strange cars
A silence of an empty home

Who will remember this moment 
Rigid dimension
One place, one time, one way all aligns
A miniscule speck to move on from

I am stuck looking back, I am still here
And so it goes, who will remember me
I am not alone, but I am lonely
I can breathe, but I am drowning
Enveloped by my thoughts, I cannot escape
I've been caught 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Someone read my broken mind and save me
I want to be saved 

Saturday, February 10, 2024

I think I give up, but I shall try once more

It will happen again

The same situation and dynamic, I never learn

Doomed to repeat the cycle searching for what's not there

I should be alone

Thursday, January 4, 2024

will is ready, emails set up, finances in order
it's never enough 
at this moment
i honestly dont wanna make it

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

What if I met you while alone
Would you want me then?
I'm giving myself up for a taste of happiness
I will give up my life 
I loved your eyes so much, you fuckin piece of shit. I hate you for wasting my life