Monday, May 27, 2013

Lisa looked into her boyfriend's eyes, the love and lust was no longer there. Familiarity, yes, but love, no... For a while now she realized that the romance was gone. Sure, she still enjoyed the material things and trips to town but the excitement was gone. All day yesterday while her boyfriend was home she watched TED talks about love and read articles about its science. She thought back to Jackson who mentored her in emotion and logic. *sigh* Jackson, that brilliant man with the bluest eyes and brightest smile.

Lisa grabbed the guitar and began strumming familiar sad chords before switching it up to a swingier sound. Jason asked "What are you doing? Come back and cuddle with me." Lisa put her guitar down and went back to her boyfriend feeling guilty. Why didn't the arms and body holding her tightly feel as good anymore? Tonight she had been a 10 but felt a 0 herself. It's funny how much emotions and attachment can affect the physical realm.

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