Thursday, July 18, 2024

Is it time!!!
Is it time for me to suddenly fall ill 
Do we all find out that it's terminal?
It's not my fault

Aw shucks, we tried!!!
But I'm just sick!!!


Monday, July 15, 2024

I fade in and out of consciousness because god takes pleasure in reminding me that I will always feel pain when I'm awake 
Funny how I watch Death pass me by
I wanna kick rocks
And fall off a cliff
Into the sea which sprays and sears my sinuses as I die on impact 
I want to feel the rough salt carve paths through my brains as my head cracks from crashing forward into the ocean waves 
I want to be conscious as my neck snaps so I can be grateful for the upcoming release and peace 
I seek death 
I just don't have enough experience yet