Monday, July 30, 2012

I love it when Andrew touches my back while we're sitting together or when I'm playing Magic.

It just feels so good!

I just love it when he touches me.

Whether it's pulling my hair back to the side (which I think he never does actually...) or kissing me or hugging me I love it all!

I'm his girlfriend :)

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It's funny how you talk to someone somewhere public and then theyre completely different when you talk to them alone...

It's comparing you vs the world. Which is more important?

I like finding out that I am...

But sometimes that just doesn't happen

No matter how many sweet words are exchanged.

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Someone asked me for my number today... :)

I didn't give it to him

He was very nice though

But I was with my little cousin and it was pretty awkward.

I feel pretty.


I looked good today. I received so many compliments!


Someone said Andrew is a very lucky guy to have me returning home to him tomorrow

And I said "Yeap, he sure is. But I'm a lucky girl too."

'Cause I miss him.


It's nice being pretty. I like to smile

Sometimes people just feel special when you give them a hug

And will take a break from work just to see your face.


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Isn't it amazing when you find someone who loves the same music and movies as you??? The ultimate lazy best friend!

Now I have someone to watch Tarantino films with
And listen to hip hop with
And whatever

Yay. :)

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Idiot... you should have asked me about iPhones
I know I'm stalking you, but not really that much because you're my buddy online
But I used to make money buying and selling and jailbreaking those things
Since I was 14 too!
I don't touch those things anymore though
They're gross
But I'm still pretty clever and know where up to date facts come from

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Ever had a crush on someone when you didn't exist to them?

I feel bad for you if that happened.

Anyway, I get to see Andrew tomorrow! And I exist! <3

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Trouble in paradise.

Lots of lots of trouble....


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I hope that in two years when I turn 21 I will have enough friends to go out and party.

I wanna drink a lot and have fun

I hope that I don't make people feel too old either.

I mean, I'd like to go clubbing and stuff

I like dancing

I'm glad people are interested in me.

Apparently some things I say are very entertaining and silly.

That's probably because they're not used to me yet. >_<

Quiet people

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

I can't wait to spend all Tuesday with Andrew Magic, eating and shopping. :)

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It's like a worse repeat of history. I'm going downhill but there's a chance for something better. I need to learn from the past before it's too late.

It's so much worse!

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I'm glad Andrew's home

Even though he has to edit at least he gets to be comfortable at home.

I just wanted to wait until he's home before I fell asleep

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I have a few nicknames.

Most notable are

and boo

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What a day.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

I like Andrew a lot.

He really makes me happy.

My heart always melts whenever he says something sweet, I'm just a sucker for good lines!

I like that I'm physically attracted to him too.

I feel like he's the kind of guy girls friendzone but should give a chance. I'm glad I did!

He says and does a lot of cute romantic things and actually means them.

He also really cares about me and wants me to be happy. I can feel it!

A lot of guys hit on me and pretend to be sweet and what not. I don't like it and feel uncomfortable around them most of the time because I know they just wanna fuck me.

I like the guys who think I'm adorable and just want to be around me. That's fine.

I don't know what the point of this post it.

Maybe it's to rant about how many guys have asked for my picture in texts.

Or all the false compliments I've received.

Like today I was shopping and some guy said that this one dress would look really good on me and tried talking to me. It was kind of a skanky dress.

Actually, maybe I'm just awkward around people and am really vain.

I didn't give him my number and told him my phone was broken.

Tonight another guy who's a friend though asked for a pic of me in the dress I just bought. That felt weird too.

Maybe I'm just weird.

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I know I ignore a lot of people

But I'm thankful for the friends who keep texting me like Nick and Bruce when I'm lonely.

I think they really love me.

It's hard for me to fall asleep early.

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I just received an interesting text. :3

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I think my boyfriend's annoyed at me.

I guess I should stop bothering him so much. :(

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Someone has aa crush on me...

Too bad he's no competition for my boyfriend!

I miss him. :(

I don't think he's as obsessed with me as I am with him. >_<


Andrew. <3

La la la la la.


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One day when I'm rich I'm gonna buy my gramma a fake scratch ticket and let her think she won $10,000 and just give it to her so she can die happy.

Friday, July 27, 2012

I used to just want to get having sex over with
I thought that it'd make me more comfortable and casual about it
Sometimes I would think "I wish Kyle would just fuck me now so I can get it over with."
I thought that'd help me move on from him when he would leave
A year later Andrew and I have been dating and I don't really know
At one point I just wanted to get it over with again.
I mean, I kept hearing people warn me to wait until I'm ready
And it was very comforting when Andrew told me that I shouldn't feel like I owe him sex
Sometimes I do though...
I just feel bad that I'm not emotionally ready to fully satisfy him physically
I like to give a lot, but I've always been told that giving up my virginity is giving up everything...
I don't know if that's true yet
But right now I think it is
So I'm waiting until I know he's the one
But how do I know?!
I really love him
He makes me happy
I want to live with him.
Do he love me a lot like that?
I don't know.
I just know that I don't want to lose him!
So I will wait and see how things go.
I love Andrew Wilson so much.
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Andrew's been my first for so many things.... isn't that weird?

Do you think he'll be my first and only everything?

Weird to think about.

At least for me.


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When I have sex for the first time I don't want it to be in Orlando or any place I will be around often. I don't want to have to be reminded about it a lot I guess.

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I hope Andrew gets to work at WOTC

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I am so obsessed with Andrew

In an annoying and clingy way

I need a break!

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'm glad I didn't friendzone Andrew. It's a good thing I turn him on.

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It's nice to be dating such a sweet guy like Andrew

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Reading the Reddit thread about annual income.

You either make over $75k or under $30k apparently

Time for me to start making money.

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Maybe it's because I'm loved by everyone

So I'm confused about why I never received his mom's approval.

It bothers me way too much.

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I don't hate Tommy or want to be with him anymore or anything.

It's just that his mom still bothers me. Like how she kept telling me I was fat.

I just have this really bad want to prove myself worthy. You know? I just want her to realize that I was good enough (actually, I'm too good) for Tommy.

Tommy's wife is just so much worse than me when using his mother's guidelines.

(I'm sure she's a sweet and caring girl who loves him. They deserve each other, I'm just going to rant about materialistic things.)

Firstly, I am much, much prettier than his wife....
His wife is white, I can speak and write Viet
Tommy's mom was so embarrassed about his wife that no Viet people were invited to the wedding...
Her own son's wedding.

Anyway, I come from a very, very good family
Viet families with sons always get introduced to me and my sister
I'm smarter.
I'm going to school now and will become a doctor. I was pushing Tommy to be a lawyer. I even studied with him.

I'm younger. It's pretty fantastic being an 18 year old girl.

I was more active in the Viet community, Magic has taken up some time though
I was more fashionable. I've gotten lazy after dating a hippie and going to college. Ha
I had everything expensive, including the stupid Mont Blanc pens in my stupid Fendi bag.
You know those pens were $800 and Tommy lost one??

I am musically inclined.
Do you know how many performances I've done? I play every freaking Viet instrument and old people love that shit. Stay close to your roots.

I'm not bad at sports. I did tennis and volleyball. I was cute in a tennis skirt back then...

And Tommy was actually in love with me.

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Gramma is trying to get me to go out with this famous Asian musician and follow him around for a while.

No thank you. I've already dated a musician. They're sexy but idk. Things have changed. I like sweet, caring boys now...

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Gramma "The new neighbor is cutting the grass in only his shorts. He's really fit and healthy and when I first saw him I thought he was Tommy!

Nice to know. I was hoping for a funny story.

I need to get slimmer

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Have you ever fired a gun?

You feel shock as it recoils

Afraid as you try not to shoot a bullet upwards in the air and hope that you don't fall back

If only people could understand how powerful a bullet is

If everyone shot a gun

There would be less of them.

Sometimes I'm just upset over nothing.

Like the refusal of a simple task.

"But don't you love me?..." :(

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

That cheap, purple engagement ring my friend has makes me a little upset,
 but I am very glad that she's so adorable and happy
Mm. Tall, dark and handsome white men.

I love white guys
My ex and I fucked up. We were going to be so rich together. He had so much potential

and now it's just me.

Teamwork doesn't work when you're alone

I love you  

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My face is getting paler and I'm getting skinnier. I'm going to be so beautiful. Then I'm going to say hi to Tommy's mom. Because I'm an awful person

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Monday, July 23, 2012

It's pretty weird that my boyfriend doesn't like spaghetti

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Not sure about how I feel when people call Andrew my hubby so casually. It freaks me out just a little bit. I also don't like it when they call him my boy toy. He's my boyfriend and I love him.

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Friday, July 20, 2012

The best week of my life was having Tommy pay for our trip to Boston together and having him buy me whatever I wanted from Burberry, Juicy and Nordstrom.

He spent about $3-4k on me on that week alone.

It was amazing.

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I want a baby. :(

Just to pinch its cheeks

and cuddle with

and throw in the air

and to make it smile

but that's it....


I want bbq ribs. o_o

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Do you know what drinking orange juice feels like?

It's like a cold rush of liquid that bursts into your mouth and then starts to tear apart the stitches holding the skin of your cheeks together. When enough skin has been pulled apart the orange juice burns the partially open wound with its citric acid. Then all you can do is apply some pressure to your cheeks in hope that it'll all be over soon.

Stupid orange juice.

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Have you ever felt bad for someone but didn't do anything about it?

Today I wax treating someone really nice. I'm a nice girl. I heard the words "Thank you" several times from someone who doesn't normally show emotion.

I'm going to sleep soon.

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I just wanna work with Magic and be skinny. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm sexy.

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Definitely won't take Andrew's sweetness for granted. Glad that I haven't had to deal with jerks like other girls have.

My boyfriend is the greater :)

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Idk why, but I just think a bracelet on the man's arm is so sexy.

By "the man's arm" I mean Andrew's arm.

Maybe he's just sexy, but I'm always gonna make him wear my bracelet when I see him. :)

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Monday, July 16, 2012

I will never forget the day I took pills from sketchy guy without teeth on a Chinatown bus from New York to Orlando.

I probably got high off of his unending compliments and words of appreciation just because I was willing to talk to him and didn't run away.

It made me feel like a good person...

But I'm not

I think

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

I don't understand why the guys I ignore and scarcely acknowledge continue to fawn over me.

I'm a jerk.

lately I've just been lazy either spending time with andrew or play magic

no life until school starts

it's very relaxing, i don't mind

i feel like a kid.
and people
I miss a lot of things
Wanna know something?

I met Kyle with a Marc Jacobs blouse, Fendi skirt and Louboutin heels while we walked to my Corvette.

Better than Blair Waldorf.
Did you know

that I dated a homeless guy for a month and a half?

But he was a very hot homeless guy.

Now I miss Nathalie. :(
I only hate Mike Reilly whenever we're drafting or playing Magic

I was just thinking of this because

I should have fucking taken that exalted land.

Friday, July 13, 2012

I want the guys who I've met randomly at shops in New York to think

"I remember her, I bought her a coffee."


"That's the cute Asian girl who was nice enough to let me take back that attack to win a draft match!"


"Hey... I remember her! I gave her a pack of Mirrodin Besieged a while ago."

This is when I become famous in the Magic world after winning $50k from a pro tour.

Similar thoughts from DC and Barcelona will happen too. :)

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

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<3 <3 <3

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I'm way too happy about Michael liking I Robot.

I almost feel popular.

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At first it seemed like a typical lecture from my dad.

"You know a lot more than when you were 16. Like when you wrote 'Bear' on the side of a mountain..."

At that point I began holding back tears

Too many strong memories came from that stupid statement

Just really, really old feelings.

A little later into the lecture my dad asked me why I was crying and if I felt sad.

Then I just walked away into the bathroom I'm in now to let the tears escape

I don't understand.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The prettier girl will always be better than the uglier girl who puts in more effort. 

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Threw an $8 bag of Famous Navy Pier popcorn from Chicago away last night.

I am never going to buy popcorn again.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

For my birthday I want 2 Sword of Fire and Ice, 2 Sword of War and Peace, 1 Batterskull, 1 Tamiyo, 1-4 Jace the Mind Sculptor, dresses, shoes, purses, sandals and a build a bear Teddy bear.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

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I don't like anyone here.. this must be my version of hell

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I don't even know what I want to do in life

I don't understand why UCF has to screw me over like this

it's getting me really worried

what if I don't make it for medical school

I just

I just want to be successful

my goal in life is to be happy


all I want to do is be happy

but I feel so constrained

money holds so much power

What can I do to make money?

The average US household income is 50k a year

the average asian household income in the us is 80k a year

the average white household income in the us is 65k a year

I would like to earn around 75k a year, that doesn't seem like too much to ask for

my dad earns a lot more and so do my uncles

but I would like to live in a nice home with a big yard

i don't know where yet

but i don't need a sports car like my dad or a boat like my uncle and whatever else they have

i would like to go on vacations though...

why UCF?!

why do you have to screw me over so much.
I just feel sad that all of my money is gone............

all of it.

I have nothing to spend

I feel extremely stressed out right now.

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Monday, July 2, 2012


I fucking hate EVERYTHING now.

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Come save me soon, soldier

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Something's wrong, maybe chemicals or something.

I might not have drank enough water today

But I really miss my boyfriend

And I want to hug my pillow to pretend it's him

Like when I sleep over and we get to cuddle :(

18 is a young number

It's kind of like 16

For me anyway

Think any grown up girls feel like this?

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I really hope that I can get a job at the Game Academy.

I wanna work there so badly!!!

It'd be nice to work with someone I can talk to and stuff. n_n
I am feeling very bad.
........... what an awful day.
I woke up angry at my boyfriend today and thought of commander games.


i wonder what i dreamt about