Saturday, June 30, 2012

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 

It was so nice to see my gramma's happy reaction to flowers and cake for her birthday :)

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I turned out to be exactly like who I fell for. Fool me once fool me twice whatever

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Sometimes I use the excuse that I'm not fake

But I don't really need it

Sometimes I just realize how amazing I am

Other times I'm being reminded very often by many people

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So many things are happening in one night, maybe I should just ignore it and go to sleep.

Ill be quiet for a few days

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Sometimes I talk to people and for one tiny instance they're a jerk and I'm really annoyed/pissed by it

by some random trait they have

but then I forget about it and push on through the conversation

because it's not that big of a deal

I can handle people

I'll remember the good things about you, don't worry

Friday, June 29, 2012

i'm good at

writing music

taking tests



being loved




looking good

meeting new people

being cute

remembering things


playing music





making others smile


getting dates

making money

convincing people





i just wanna write a song.

i don't want to be forgotten.
listen to my eyes.

i remember that alley and awkward handshake

basically holding my hand until we reached the lake

you threw your guitar in the trunk

you cooked spaghetti, it was junk

full moon beats a new moon, at least in my mind

suddenly i left my past behind

something new, a leather couch, no TV

i closed my eyes as you leaned down to me

in heels no less, i felt so short

i couldn't imagine a case for court


that was the dumbest line ever. "a case for court"??? -_-;;
Feeling bad doesn't last nearly as long as feeling good.

and luckily it was the perfect opportunity to be passing Andrew all of the good cards......

I just feel like I win so often and open up money cards

Even when I first started playing in Innistrad and just gave him Snapcasters to make up for nights he lost drafts

or when I do awful "trades" with him

I just want to be a good girlfriend.

I don't remember the last time he won a draft, he's always talking about how he's mana screwed/flooded

I was so worried he was going to lose to Ray

because then I was have been disappointed in myself for passing all of the cards I should have kept

and I kind of feel guilty now for "cheating"

but I just want him happy!

like there was this guy behind me and it felt like I was being watched as I looked at the really good cards but then just took a not as good card

and it made me worry a little bit

so I pretended to fidget around with the good card like I was going to take it, but then I'd take the other card instead

I don't think he noticed, he might have though

no way would I have passed Druid's Familiar, Trusted Forcemage, Blessings of Nature, Borderland Ranger, Eaten By Spiders and whatever

and I would have definitely splashed for Bonfire/kept the money card. I thought it was like $20? Guess the price jumped.

I love Andrew so much
I hope my boyfriend loves me.
Has anyone else experienced being spoiled like a princess when meeting someone for the first time?

I remember having my hand held up to be kissed

it was nice,


the past
being healthier usually increases hormones
I don't think I get mad very often.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Good night, loser.

I mean it.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Bear... goodbye.

Let’s not be so boring together
Let’s not waste our time today
Gotta take life by chance to fly away

Once a upon a time
We were fun and you were mine
Now we’re young with nothing to do
Let’s go back to old me and you

I wanna fly a kite and run in the sun
Do something that I’ve never done
Hold me by the hand and say that you’ll join
Travel to all the cities, including Des Moines

It sounds like this, but better. I shouldn't be the singer.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


how can boys be such drama queens?!?!

only i want to be a drama queen :(

I guess if people deal with me i'll have to deal with these folks.


it's a good thing i care

and that you were lucky

Andrew's the only guy I'm nice to
Today was weird with its ups and downs.

Permettez-moi de vous prendre à l'étage pour couper vos bras
Je vais vous donner toute la douleur que je peux faire pour toi, mon amour.
Nous allons voler ensemble peur quand vous êtes à Paris
Vous n'oublierez jamais et vous ne verrez jamais, mon amour.
Je t'aime tellement...


so many mixed feelings

and I ended up sad

but whatever, it's over now. I'm just going to play Magic.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Some things I really enjoy hearing about myself is that I'm prettier the more someone gets to know me, that I seem older than my age, that I'm logical, that I'm smart, that I'm a sweetheart (specifically that noun), and that I'm so adventurous

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If I ask you about something and you answer vaguely I'm not going to keep asking until you're specific.  I understand. But if you want me to keep asking about your vague answer then forget it. I don't play mind games and you're not a woman. Tell me or not, my life will be the same and I'll forget about this soon enough. Sorry, that's just me

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I want you

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good night. i love you...
i just fall to fall asleep with the boy i love most
farkle is a fucking awful game

that's all gambling and luck

and makes me scream "fuuuuuuuuuckkkkk!!!"

just because of a stupid die roll

lucky bitch

and guy


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I kinda have this thing for loud guys
and I just remember going on a date with Ryan
and then meeting Slava
and it was just so hilarious
I just kept going until I lost.
so i just saw that the average wedding is almost 30k

i think i'd prefer to get married in court before going off on an extravagant honeymoon

some lovely tropical island with and underwater hotel and personal submarines
piece by piece the machine loosens up,
but the mechanic seems to keep fixing it.
"just one more year"
every year he says it'll last for at least another year,
it's always getting fixed.
no one asks why...
we just don't want it to be broken.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

During camps you feel the pain
Yet somehow everyone manages to leave brainwashed enough to end up remembering how fun it was
Including me
I can't escape the belief that it was fun
But I was clearly miserable the entire time almost
What is this sorcery?
The only thing I liked was talking to Michael again and how he remembers me.

Cool Michael

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"ay ay ay! shy miss super ultra mega great nhi pham! a champ!!!!!! for me she is like a baby, hahahahha; she is very special! i dont know what to say!! makes me feel that i want protect her, hahahahah!! pse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey, my spanish language... ok ok, to make a summary: she is like a............................. sister? ok ok not exactly but i want a daughter like her!!! oh my god!!! danny loko!

May 19th

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What did I want to blog about?

What secrets and feelings did I wish to spill?

It's raining now

I wish to either cuddle with my boyfriend

or dance in the rain with the people at Austins

so much I wish I could have either right now!!!

I miss Austins so much.

I know I'm missing out

I need to go there again asap

but when I do

I think it'll be too late...
I cannot wait until my church thing is over with this weekend.


What a waste of time.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It's just one of those rare moments of life when I spew out my entire heart in love. I'm glad that Andrew's not going to break it when I'm like this.

I feel very cared for

My ex never really showed emotions until we were ending what we had

And you know who showed his affection a bit too late.

What's the use of all the "I love you" if we're not even together anymore. Actually, hes just a confusing tthing

But with Andrew I just know
It's nice
I'm sure he loves me
And I kinda know where I want things to go between us <3

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Andrew Wilson. <3

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When I first started dating my boyfriend one of the main factors of staying with him is kissing. He wasn't bad and he was the first to kiss me. <3

I love him.

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I am soooooo uberly proud of my boyfriend for working out abf drinking water today. He's going to be fit so much faster than I am! I need to step up my game.

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I'm so in love with Andrew.

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I added this girl again on Facebook because I think she deleted me

I only added her to see a photo she had taken of me

It was of some guy kissing me

but for some reason in that picture he really looked like he cared for me so much

I mean, I just met him

I didn't like him

but that picture was so good

so I saved it

just in case

I don't know

just in case

I mean, that's why I added her as a friend again on Facebook.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sometimes I feel like I should be loved more

I wonder if I deserve it though

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judgemental people are in town

time to lose weight...


starting tomorrow. T~T
I don't think my life has been nearly romantic enough to write poems about

but I try my best, kind of
You've got this time to yourself but no where to go
All this love in your heart but nothing to show
The door may be locked but there's a window
You may be naive but use what you know
I don't want you to be alone each day in a row
It's bad for your soul, you'll be haunted by woe
No need to rush happiness, just take it slow
Like planting a seed, one day it will grow
And before you know it you'll no longer feel low
Take a deep breath and go with the flow
It's easier if you just go where the winds blow
Take it from me, the lucky life pro.

Monday, June 11, 2012

I like the idea of traveling with my child or children and homeschooling them.

They'll probably be adopted, but I'm not really sure.

I just know that I'll love them so... much.
Suddenly... seeing all the ugly people on my Facebook whose lives are completely online make me feel a little better.

I'm not really ugly

I think I have a superpower that makes people love me when I want them to

It only works when I care about the person though


Sometimes I don't feel loved

Lately I've felt lonely

I don't understand

If I were out on my own, what would I do?


Nothing's going to stop me from being lonely

I try to escape so often

It feels good to be with people who like you

At home I don't like being around my family

I've tried using them as a way to not feel like such a recluse

Usually though I end up angry and annoyed

So I stopped that bit of being in the same room as them for long

My family says that I'm like a homeless girl without friends

In a way that's kind of true.

Sure, I have some friends

but I'm not sure how long they'll last

For instance, I don't understand how Nick and Bruce can stand me after all of this time

Poor Bruce

I'm so mean to him!

He's been my friend for maybe three years now

I used to make him do my homework that was busy work

Nothing important, if I wanted an A I would do the assignment myself.


I'm just on my laptop now.

I'm 18 and still haven't snuck out of this house or let a boy in through my window

oh well.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

You lose a friend and make amends never knowing who loves you
And he walks by you start to cry wondering what you can do
You've lost your man and when he ran you hoped he'd come to
But now you've grown to claim your throne, his name makes you ask "Who?".....

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I haven't reached out to be as popular as I used to be

Friday, June 8, 2012

I think I'm just a bitch or something

because I couldn't care less about those guys (other than my boyfriend, he's special) that give me a lot of attention

actually, I think that I'm just grumpy this morning and don't wanna talk to anyone.

But like omg

stop calling me Nhi Nhi or Bri Bri with a million hearts

It feels so nice to love someone...

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I don't think anything feels better than laying down with the one person you love and then falling asleep.

His arms are just so comfortable

and I'm just so happy

and we both feel good...

It's a fantastic experience

some of my friends have never had a significant other

I usually say that kissing doesn't feel special

or that relationships aren't that great 

but I'm lying

Nothing could ever replace raw emotion and chemicals surging through my body!

ESPECIALLY when I'm 18



Life is good.

One of my favorite feelings is having Andrew hold onto me from behind

Whether we're standing up

or if I'm playing Magic.

Idk, it just feels nice.

He's a great guy

I'm glad he's mine

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
<3 I finally beat my boyfriend in drafting! That's a big accomplishment.

It only took more than 8 months to do it.

Saturday will be our 250th day together!!!



I'm glad I chose him.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

summer =

mon - Andrew, Robby, Shaloni
tues- Andrew
wed- Andrew
thurs- study bible excerpts, study youth group songs, regulations, lessons, blah blah blah
fri- Magic
sat- church
sun- church

It's good and bad. *sigh*
I love my boyfriend. :)

Also, I hate commander

it just leaves people feeling bad

I think I just hate multiplayer games

You can't really expect anything except for what you see

I'm pretty good at 1 on 1 games though, I think

I feel like I know what to expect

Also, I really like to be in control.

I hate annoying kids on Facebook

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I'm pretty sure that I think that I'm way more awesome than I actually am.
I like the way I am a lot

I'm sure that Kyle is the reason why I'm so tolerant

when I was dating Tommy I was such an annoying brat


just thinking about it

I was one of those annoying girls

who got mad at him every other week or something

and made him buy me a lot of stuff

I just made him do everything to make me happy

but after that

I learned that I can make myself happy

and my philosophies on life just kept changing

they're still changing

I just like it the way it is now.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

I love it when a guy flips his hair so it can go over to a side

and on Reddit they showed a video of Justin Bieber doing it

and I have mixed feelings

because I have Reddit's hivemind... basically

but Justin Bieber does have nice hair.


It's also weird to know we're the same age

Why do I feel like he's just a kid?