Thursday, March 29, 2012
Anyway, time has passed and I'm happy
You know what's weird? That I've dated Andrew for nearly six months now.
Jesus Christ
I think I hung out with #*$-%+# for barely a month and a half and I've only gone on dates with boys
It's so hard to believe that so much time has passed.
I'm still 18 though.
My feelings are basically the same for Andrew since I became comfortable with him
It's just weird. Ha
Huh. I jus found this draft I wrote weeks ago:
I had a short mental breakdown today.
I kind of just sat in the school bathroom and cried for a few minutes.
Actually, I'm doing that now.
There are just so many problems I can't solve
So that's why I try not to care about them and move on to what I can change
And I should change so much
Now that everything that is happening is happening
You always hear about how the weight of mistakes increase as you get older
But I really didn't expect to feel them so hard
It hurts
I'm just rambling nonsense now
Don't listen to me
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012

She would sit there for so long, face buried into that bear. She was waiting to grow up. Some of the neighbors thought she was wasting her time, but this little six year old knew better. When she's older she'll live her life more than anyone else.
It'll be called Catherine
that's her name
I kinda like it a lot, mostly because I was a bit inspired by The Fountainhead's Catherine
only a little bit
Random 1: Little Catherine's Story
Within these pages are the excerpts of Little Catherine's life, a withdrawn little girl living alone in her dark mansion. Have you ever wondered what goes on in the mind of someone so misunderstood?
it was black and very cute
sooooo tiny
it lived behind Austins
It was before I met cat guy
but I'm pretty sure I named the kitten Maxwell
I named everything after Max
it used to be so scared of people
but I got it to like me
this is what I basically did the first times I saw it
stand still
inch closer
stand still
inch closer
until I finally touched it!
I petted it and it was so tiny and cute
and then after that it followed me a bit
then when I started going to Austins regularly I just had to stick my hand out and it'd come to me and rub its head on my hand :)
it only came out at night though
that cat must have been bad luck
'cause I met cat man right after that
until recently-ish
from last year or so when I started going on Reddit and 4Chan as well as talk to you know who who is very similar to a cat
weird guy
I'm at my gramma's house now
from my dad's side
and she's a cat lady
ever since I was a baby I was allergic to cats
and she's had like 14-20 at one point
it was crazy
and gross
I was so scared of them as a child
I was scratched my them so I always wore jeans and a jacket
they're alright now
probably only six
they're not in the house anymore
a lot has changed over the last few years
I can deal with cats
for instance
Finkel's cats were so luxurious
well, Elspeth was so beautiful
g2g now
people are talking to me
also, I'm studying chemistry
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Although I really like anniversaries for every six months I don't like bothering people about them. When I was in high school I did. I remember nagging Tommy about it.
I didn't get him anything, but he did manage to make me a gold bracelet.
It's beautiful, but I never wear it.
I miss high school.
I was 14 then, when I got the bracelet.
Life was so easy.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Am I really going to do it?
Do I have the willpower
to stop everything I've done for the last few months
and make a difference
to revert back to the old me I was going to be
that image I'd taken so many months to create
Do I want her back?
Yes I do
False happiness
Fake people
after a while these things become a reality
so why not aim for them?
Sunday, March 11, 2012
I enjoy having my boyfriend on the phone because it's pretty comforting even though I really hate to admit that. I miss him a lot.
Today I feel like I should be miserable alone.
Maybe it's because of the weather too.
I hope he calls.
I haven't decided on what I'll do yet.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
It's weird to think that my 26 year old boyfriend is playing a game that I played when I was 14, but that was only like a few years ago for me but would have been three times as long ago for him.
Then again he's 8+ years older than me so... nothing really new here. Ha.
I love him.
I hope he likes Professor Layton!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
it's so nice to be comfortable around someone
i'd like to live with him
i can imagine it
he makes me happy
i like how he takes care of me
i like his arms and lying down with him
and when he smiles
i love andrew
he's great
i miss him right now
I'd like to fall asleep while cuddling with him
while he watches his shows or whatever
My life doesn't feel real.
I'm not who I want to be anymore.
Once in a while I'll make a snarky remark
Thinking about how obvious it is
Old Nhi is trying to escape
and she's really upset
Help me.
Maybe I should go rockclimbing
Or kayaking
do you think it's healthy to suppress a young and adventurous spirit for a couple more months?
I should quit caring so much about the upcoming Magic tournaments
I just need to get to Spain